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Preped all the Horizontal Stabilizer parts by match drilling or final drilling, disassembled the parts, deburred all the holes and rib tabs and primed them with the SEEVENAX primer. Although the elevator hing brackets were almost powder coated, I decided to prime them. Because some of the powder coat is not from a good quality.
25.02.17 – 02.03.17
Time: 5h
Total: 6h
Things I worked at in May 2017:
Every time when I begin with a new section, I am always first deburring the edges and corners like so that there will be no possibility of scratching or hurting myself while handling the parts. This applies to all aluminum parts. This for me is sometimes a boring but I think also important part of the preparation. Not only I am not hurting me, it is also very important to prevent future possible cracks in dynamic load situations.
After finishing the horizontal stabilizer spars I prepared the ribs (flange angles and fluting), clecoed the assembly into the skins held in the jig I bilt from the empennage crate.
Then final drilled all the skin to ribs and skin to spar holes.
Finally I dissasembled the horizontal stabilizer, scuffed the inside of the skins with scotch brite and dimpled the rivet holes in the skins and ribs.
The spar needed to be countersunk, which seemed to be an endless task.
Thereafter all parts where primed with the SEEVENAX primer, I began with the reveting process.
Frank and Otto were very helpful thereby.

Time: 42h
Total: 43h

Horizontal Stabilizer ready :o)
Hello Peter!
Did you manage to finish building the plane? Found this link but it’s broken:
How hard was it to get all the necessary approvals? I’ve read that it’s different with a 4-Pl aircraft compared to a two-seater. Did you work with OUV or with LBA directly?
(I’m a student pilot living in Germany, but i hope to someday build my own airplane, that’s why all the questions)
Regards, Ilya.
Hallo Ilya,
then you can visit me one day.
The kit is now ready to take all the electrics and avionics.
I is not ready yet.
Some things are different for a four place plane when building under the German rules with the LuftfahrtBundesAmt.
I have a very skilled engineer for the paperwork and also one for the practical things while building.