In this section you will see my self made (DIY) dimple frame DRDT-2 in his final version which I finally will use the whole building process. I am proud, that my version is functioning so far. Looking forward to use it for many times which will safe me a lot of hours!
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Preparing all the Rudder parts
Before putting them together, you have to prepare all the parts to fit together, so all edges has to be deburred, some parts have to be cut to almost smaler parts like the R-1010 Rudder ribs.
This is taking a lot of time and sometimes a boring thing to do, but it is an essential work, because with this it is possible to ensure a long lasting airframe over many years of flying.
Dimpling the Rudder Skin Selfmade Dimpletframe by Peter Aringer Dimple detail Rudder Skin Dimple detail row Rudder Skin Dimple Frame with Squeezer Dimpleframe head Dimpleframe head detail Rudder rib dimpled Rudder skeleton Rudder Skin scuffed with scotch brite pad Rudder complete cleoed together Rudder skeleton clecoed Rudder Skin blue film removed Rudder skeleton on the left skin Rudder skeleton on the table Rudder skeleton Rudder cable arms Rudder lower rib Rudder parts ready for priming Cutting instructions for the Rudder ribs Riveting instructions for the Rudder ribs Rudder Ribs befor cutting R-1005 before preparing Rudder rib parts Rudder parts to be prepared and cut to size
Page 7-7 to 7-12 Riveting the Vertical Stabilizer, Rolling the leading edge, trailing edge finish
Now the exiting process of assembling all the prepared parts of the vertical stabilizer begins.
When I clean the parts for priming, it is essential to mark the preped parts in the exact same way they were marked before!!
At the top vs-rib I had a slight missalignment an had to fix this with drilling some new holes in the R-1008A and R-1008B top ribs.
The whole process of riveting all the VS parts together turned out to be very exiting. The most exiting thing here was to bend the leading edge in a correct manner to not screw this up an make some niks in the skins while bending them.
Rudder metal work is finished. Some work to do on the upper and lower fairings on the rudder. Will return later on. 13.05.2017
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Rudder start: 02.February 2017
Finished: 13.Mai 2017
Hours: 25
I have been following your build for a few years, and because of you I have now gathered the strength to order my own kit, a Sling High Wing. Is it far from being as difficult and time consuming as your build, but it is was I think I can handle.
I have been on the lookout to buy a DRDT-2, preferably a used one. Where did you buy your DRDT-2? Maybe yours is for sale?
Hope to se more updates on your fabulous build.
Kind regards
Hello Martin,
Glad to hear this. I was in the same situation and while looking youtube videos from Jason Ellis I decided to start the build without been flying or sitting in a RV-10 before.
The Build log is not actual yet, becaus I was spending more time building. Actually nealy ready with both fuel tanks and going on with the wiring in the wings to close the button wing skins.
I built my DRDT-II by myself, because only shipping should cost about 800€.
And I enlarged the legs of it to be able to dimple the most front rivet holes. My costs for the material were about 150€. I am using my pneumatic squeezer in a self made bracket on top of the DRDT-II frame with a pneumatic pedal. This way I have both hands free to hold the part correctly in the dies.
I am not done with the dimpling. Sorry but at this point I will not sell mine. Maybe after the RV-10 I will build an RV-14 for acrobatic flying.
Stay healthy and go on building!